Dog epilepsy/seizure

In both dogs and humans, seizures are caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain. There are three types of seizures your pet can experience, and each type of seizure has different symptoms.

Focal Seizures Focal seizures occur in small regions on only one side of the dog's brain. If your dog is having a focal seizure, the symptoms you observe will depend on the area of ​​the brain affected.

Episodic movements arise from abnormal activity in the motor region of your dog's brain and cause unusual movements such as head shaking, repeated muscle contractions of a single limb, or rhythmic blinking of the eyes. If the seizure is coming from abnormal electrical activity in a part of your dog's brain called the autonomic nervous system, you may notice symptoms such as dilated pupils, vomiting, or excessive salivation. Focal seizures in other areas of your pet's brain can lead to unusual behaviors such as agitation, unexplained fear, attention seeking, or unusual anxiety.

Generalized Seizures Generalized seizures occur on both sides of the animal's brain. Dogs experiencing a generalized seizure often lose consciousness and it is not uncommon for them to urinate or defecate. Because generalized seizures affect both sides of the brain, the movements caused by these seizures will affect both sides of your dog's body rather than just one limb. Generalized seizures in dogs fall into five categories:

Tonic seizures result in muscle contractions or stiffening that may last for a few seconds or possibly a few minutes. Clonic seizures cause rapid contractions of muscles that cause a jerky movement. Tonic-clonic seizures begin with a tonic seizure (muscle contraction) followed by a clonic seizure (jerky contractions). Myoclonic seizures are sporadic jerks that usually occur on both sides of the dog's body. Atonic seizures are also called "drop attacks" because the dog experiences a sudden loss of muscle tone that causes him to collapse and generally lose consciousness.

Focal to Generalized Seizures In dogs, the most common type of seizure is where a focal seizure develops into a generalized seizure. The focal seizure is generally very short and is quickly followed by a generalized seizure. In many cases, pet parents are unaware of the focal seizure, however if you are witnessing a generalized seizure in your dog, it is good to try to remember what the dog was doing immediately before the crisis begins. Noting what the dog was doing before the seizure can help your veterinarian better diagnose your dog's condition.

Diagnosis & Treatment of Epilepsy in Dogs Epilepsy is a neurological condition that some dogs are born with, and so far there is no cure, however treatments are available.

The first step in the treatment process is to look for an underlying cause of your dog's seizures. If an obvious cause of the seizures is found, your pet will be diagnosed with structural epilepsy. Idiopathic epilepsy is very common in dogs, and indicates that there is no apparent cause for the dog's seizures. A dog may be diagnosed as having a reactive seizure, which is a seizure in response to a temporary problem such as poisoning. Reactive seizures will stop once the underlying problem is resolved.

Since there is no cure for epilepsy in dogs, treatment with anti-epileptic medications (AEDs) will focus on reducing the severity and frequency of your dog's seizures without causing any symptoms. unacceptable side effects. This approach is effective in approximately 15 to 30% of dogs.

After a thorough examination, testing and diagnosis, your veterinarian or veterinary neurologist will prescribe the best medication for your dog based on the type of seizures your dog is experiencing as well as your dog's general health, size and age. dog.

If the first medication is not effective in controlling your pet's epilepsy, other medications may also be tried.

If your pet is taking medications to help control seizures, it is important to administer the medications at the same time each day, make sure you give them the correct dose prescribed by your veterinarian, and never discontinue treatment without consult your veterinarian first.

Diet for Epileptic Dogs Studies have shown that diet can play a key role in controlling epilepsy in dogs. If your dog is being treated for epilepsy, it is important not to change what he eats without first consulting your veterinarian. Changes in what and when your dog eats can affect how anti-seizure medications work. This includes giving your dog random table scraps or treats. When it comes to controlling epilepsy, consistency in your dog's diet can often pay off.

Promising results have also been obtained in controlling seizures in dogs with a special diet. Dogs Switching to a Diet High in Chain Triglycerides